Translation exercise to revise for the exam

Translate into English:

  • Si visqués a París, estaria contenta.
  • Si ahir hagués fet bon temps, hi hauríem anat.
  • Si en Bob hagués estudiat, hauria aprovat l'examen de matemàtiques.
  • Em comprari un microones nou si tingués prou diners.
  • No hauríem de fer servir pesticides si afecten les abelles.
  • Si les abelles no polinitzen les flors, no tindrem mel.
  • Si surto aquesta nit, et trucaré.
  • A menys que tingui l'habitació endreçada, no trobaré el que busco.

I wish...

· Here are the wishes by 2 batx A class:

I wish I could have the job that I want (would and could are interchangeable here!).

· I wish I had a good future.

· I wish I started a family.

· I wish I had enough money not to work for the rest of my life.

· I wish I passed the university.

· I wish I would find a job soon.

· I wish I were the most intelligent person in the world.

· I wish I had infinite wishes.

· I wish I lived longer.

· I wish I lived in a big house in Rome.

· I wish I bought a flat in Miami.

· I wish I could speak fluent Japanese.

· I wish I travelled to Iceland soon.